• Since 1904



The roots of our tradition reach as far back as 1904 and since then we have been upgraded with modern technology and latest know how. With careful selection of raw materials, we guarantee the highest quality of our products.


We ensure the highest possible food safety and quality of processes and products with IFS (International Food Standard).


We place strong emphasis on environmental protection at all levels. With all environmental activities, we support the quality of the environment.

Company profile

Name Tovarna olja GEA d.o.o.
Short name GEA d.o.o.
Address Trg svobode 3, SI-2310 Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia, EU
Telephone +386 2 843 26 10
Fax +386 2 843 26 13
E-mail info@gea.si
Web www.gea.si
Registration number 5048621000
VAT number SI23485795
Bank account 04430-0000213611
at Nova KBM, d.d.
Certificates ISO 14001, IFS (on higher level), FDA registration
Founded 1904
Management PhD. Igor Hustić, Director
Number of employees 97
Initial capital 3.836.857,66  EUR



  • 1904

    The rich tradition of edible oil production goes all the way back to 1904, when Albert Štiger established a pumpkin seed oil production factory in Slovenska Bistrica based on craftsman methods – Pumpkin seed oil production company Albert Štiger.

  • 1904 - 1923

    The production was of a craftsman character, with fewer employees – no more than 15. The work was seasonal and lasted from 4 to 5 months of a year. In 1923, the owner decided to implement industrial way of production in order to increase the production capacity and widen product portfolio with sunflower and rapeseed oil.

  • 1945

    A working organisation named “Oil factory” (Tovarna olja) Slovenska Bistrica is established.

  • 1953 – 1955

    The company is destroyed in a fire. What follows is a reconstruction of the company and the construction of new buildings.

  • 1954

    The first bottling of the edible oil.

  • 1956

    The extraction, refinery, boiler room, bridge over the brook and warehouse for raw materials were built. This was the starting period of the production of refined edible oils.

  • 1968

    The first edible oil bottling plant is constructed and equipped. Additionally the first reconstruction of the refinery was carried out.

  • 1973

    The new warehouse hall with an area of 1.000 m2 is built.

  • 1974 – 1975

    The production capacity is doubled to 32 tons in 24 hours.

  • 1976 – 1980

    Modernisation of transport routes and transition to pallet racking system.

  • 1979

    Merging with SOZD Zvijezda Zagreb is carried out.

  • 1981 – 1985

    A bottling plant with tripled bottling capacity is built. Technological energy reconstruction is carried out at the refinery and boiler room.

  • 1987 – 1990

    Modernisation of the pumpkin seed oil production and the switch-over to the use of a new energy source, because the company has been connected to the gas pipeline. A new water waste treatment plant is build.

  • 1989

    A facility for the production of mayonnaise-based delicatessen products is built.

  • 1991 and 1993

    Launch of a new bottling line for PET plastic bottles and modernisation of its existing bottling plant. Entrance in the market with four products, this time under a completely new brand named GEA.

  • 1992

    Start of the project of ownership transformation of the company into a public limited liability company Oil factory Gea d.o.o.

  • 1994

    The beginning of modernisation of the refinery. Creation of the trade mark ZVEZDA, which was named Zvijezda between the years 1986 and 1994.

  • 1995

    The ownership transformation of the company is completed and the social capital is transferred to the known owners.

  • 1998

    The purchase of a company Oljarna Domžale (Domžale oil mill) and the acquisition of the brand Sončni cvet.

  • 2001

    The finalisation of the modernisation of the refinery and manufacturing automation.

  • 2002

    Establishment of the subsidiary company Gea & Aba d.o.o. in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 2003

    The installation of a new bottling line for edible oils GEA in glass bottles.

  • 2005

    Merging of the company Oljarica Kranj and the acquisition of the brand CEKIN.

  • 2007

    Launch of the cutting-edge production line for seed sorting and production of pumpkin seed oil.

  • 2010

    The beginning of the filling of refined oils in PET 1 L and 2 L bottles on the new completely continuously filling line.

  • 2011

    The beginning of the filling of refined and unrefined oils in 5 L, 10 L and 25 L balloons and canisters on the new filling line.

  • 2012

    The entry of the GEA pumpkin seed oil of Styria and Prekmurje in the EU register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications.

    Modernisation of the laboratory equipment with the new combined gas chromatograph (GC-MS).

  • 2015

    The procurement of lines for robotic palletization of oil packages and transport. The connection of the neutralization part of the refining process to the refinery controller and the beginning of the production of delicatessen products on the new homogeniser.

  • 2016

    A complete renovation of the delicatessen plant and the purchase of a new machine for filling the mayonnaise into glasses.

  • 2017

    A refurbished industrial store GEA  in Slovenska Bistrica and a newly arranged space for the production of cold pressed edible oils is established.




The roots of our tradition reach as far back as 1904 when our pumpkin seed oil production company was established. Today, GEA is a successful public limited company, operating in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 and IFS international standards as well as the HACCP system.

Our primary activities include production of vegetable oils and fats, production of delicatessen products (mayonaisse and tartar sauce), and fodder.

Today, GEA is the leading Slovenian oil production company with over 110 years of tradition and expertise in the production and marketing of quality edible oils.

GEA has established successful brand names Gea, Zvezda (Star), Cekin (Gold coin) and Sončni cvet (Sun flower). Company’s main products are vegetable oils, mayonnaise, fried onion, and animal feed.

Gea has secured a large market share on domestic market and is currently placing intensive marketing efforts in the ever greater challenge of the worldwide markets. Currently GEA products can be found on more than 25 markets all over the world.


The edible oils market is a strong competitive battleground, making it crucial for GEA to stay one step ahead in order to retain its strong position.

Vision of the company

Our vision is to become a recognized European producer of vegetable oils, based on its fundamental values:
• quality and reliability,
• flexibility and innovation,
• customer relationship management,
• quality relationships
This vision is based on the strategy of comprehensive and innovative supply with the aid of powerful and clearly positioned brands.

Mission of the company

High quality standards, healthy food and ecologically friendly production are the foundations of the company’s future development.



GEA operates in accordance with its business policy of achieving good business results, it also follows the principles of sustainable development and operates in benefit of its employees, wider community and other stakeholders.




GEA is aware that customers are the key to the company’s business, because without strong sales all other business goals are jeopardised. Customer satisfaction is therefore the main guideline behind work of all our employees; after all, a satisfied customer gives meaning to our work and meaning to company existence.

We provide high quality products, quick response to our customers inquiries and all other necessary support. We tend to work in close relations and strong partnership with our key customers. With effectively managed brands, we strengthen our positive public appearance and increase our value.

In relations with our suppliers we form strong partner relationships and take all business obligations responsibly. In a dynamic purchasing environment, this ensures safe and reliable resources and effective prices of raw materials, products and services. It also impacts on supplier’s quality and improves delivery planning. We are constantly looking for alternative resources and suppliers, whereby the quality and flexibility of deliveries is of key importance.


We are aware that motivated and satisfied employees are the most important members of our company and the key factor for ensuring success. GEA provides an encouraging and creative working environment as well as many opportunities for additional education for our employees. Together we build a culture of mutual trust, respect, effective cooperation, team work, and responsible and efficient operation.

We ensure safe working conditions in which our employees can find opportunities for their professional and personal growth.  GEA ensures professional education and training for its employees, increased emphasis is placed on providing internal training.

Our employees are regularly informed about the goals and results achieved, innovations, internal acts and other information on monthly meetings with the managers or via e-mail notifications, intranet and bulletin board. Employee satisfaction is measured by conducting research of the organisational climate and managers’ annual interviews with the employees.


GEA is aware of the importance of cooperation with the local as well as the wider community. Good cooperation with the local community and efforts for environmental projects of sustainable development foster good neighbourly relations and enable a general increase in the quality of life of our employees as well as the community and reducing undesirable effects on the environment. We are aware that environmental projects and the sustainable improvement of the environment primarily depend on the quality of relations between all the interested parties.

Through sponsorships and donations, we support various projects conducted by local associations and work of humanitarian organisations, we also help socially endangered families and the elderly population.



The company chooses raw material sources for its production with extreme caution and in accordance with a strict set of quality standards.

GEA works in accordance with the strict standards of the HACCP system which assesses, defines and monitors risks associated with food safety. The HACCP system applies to the entire chain of pre-processing, processing and trade with foodstuffs or food, from the farmer to the consumer. Everyone in the chain is responsible for ensuring that the food is safe and suitable for consumption.

We see quality as a sign of business excellence of the company as a whole. We have adopted the concept of full quality management, an attitude that is supported by ISO 14001, IFS and FDA registration.


  • Quality is the most important element in the performance of a company, representing a prerequisite for further development of GEA.
  • Quality is an integral part of the entire work force and is based on the following principle: “Do everything well the first time and every time afterwards.”
  • The objective is to always satisfy customers, that is why the quality of the products is dedicated to them.
  • Quality relationships inside and outside the company are important for satisfying our customers, employees, shareholders and the company as a whole.
  • Quality also represents the economic efficiency of our company.

Safe food production represents an important consideration amongst our team at GEA. With the use of the water treatment plant, we have contributed to the prevention and control of water pollution, and by using less energy and natural gas, we are reducing harmful emissions into the ambient air. All our activities are aimed at being more environmentally friendly and efficient. We operate in compliance with ISO 14001 standard.


Within the company operates in-house chemical and microbiological laboratory, which are modern equipped with appliances and instruments for analysing raw materials, semi-products and finished products according to the prescribed control methods based on ISO standard methods.

All foodstuffs are subjected to regular systematic inspections, which ensures the consistent quality and safety of all of our products.


  • Austria
  • Iceland
  • Croatia
  • Serbia
  • Australia
  • Estonia
  • China
  • Netherlands
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Norway
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Kosovo
  • Canada
  • Georgia
  • Japan
  • Greece
  • Germany
  • Czech Republic
  • Montenegro
  • Russia
  • USA
  • Armenia
  • Malta
  • Turkey



    GEA obtained the IFS (International Food Standard) Certificate on 22 January 2009. The IFS is a standard that enables the assessment of food safety and quality and covers all the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard and the HACCP system. This standard is intended to assess suppliers’ food safety and quality systems with a uniform system and it covers all stages of production, processing and distribution of food. For customers and consumers, the IFS standard means greater safety and product quality.


    GEA has obtained FDA clearance to market and sell its products in the U.S.

    GEA operates in accordance with the HACCP system, which recognizes, determines and monitors any risks regarding food safety. The HACCP system is guaranteed throughout the entire chain of production, processing and transport of food – from the farmer to the consumer. Everyone involved in this chain is responsible to make sure the food products are safe and suitable for consumption.

    Our aim is to promote quality consciousness among all our employees through continuous education, motivation and other methods of internal communication, because we consider quality to be one of our main competitive advantages. The quality control system is an integral part of the GEA Oil Factory’s operations and we are going to make sure it is continuously adapted and updated to meet our customers’ requirements.

  • CERTIFIKAT ISO 14001:2004

    We have acquired the certificate for the environmental management system according to the ISO 14001: 2004 in 2003, which proves our awareness and responsibility towards the environment.


    Our oldest product “pumpkin seed oil” belongs among the protected special Slovenian agricultural products and foods.

    GEA »Štajerska Prekmurje Pumpkin Seed Oil Slovenija« has entered in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications.

    Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) means the protection of tradition and technology, confirms the excellent quality, reputation and specific properties of the product.


    We have acquired the certificate of organic production / processing of agriculture and food products in 2015.

    Organic Certification is an internationally recognized set of standards aimed at proving that agricultural and food products have been produced with emphasis on the protection of soil and water, the enhancement of biodiversity and the responsible use of energy and natural resources.


    We have acquired the certificate Excellent SME Slovenia in 2012.

    Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia is issuing the certificate in cooperation with the renowned credit rating agency COFACE Slovenia to the most successful small and medium companies in Slovenia.

    The main purpose of the certificate, coinciding with EU directives is to promote successful small and medium companies, secure and safe business, good business practices and to increase market transparency. Additionally it will help customers and business partners to decrease financial and other risks when concluding business agreements.

    The certificate enables local and international business partners to verify company’s existence, proper web address, and most importantly creditworthiness.


    Oil factory Gea d.o.o. has obtained the HALAL certificate.


    Oil factory Gea d.o.o. has obtained the KOSHER certificate.



    In 2016 GEA has received award »Voted Product of the year« for GEA Štajerska Prekmurje Pumpkin seed oil Slovenija.

    Voted Product of the Year is a prestigious award presented to products that have been chosen by consumers based on a study conducted by ACNielsen, one of the leading global research companies. The products chosen are the ones that have proven to be the most impressive when it comes to their functionality and innovation.


    GEA d.o.o. at the International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad received several awards for its products:
    • 2017 – category of edible oil – GOLD MEDAL for GEA ORGANIC black cumin oil
    • 2016 – category of edible oil – GREAT GOLD MEDAL for GEA ORGANIC coconut oil, cold pressed
    • 2015 – category of edible oil – GOLD MEDAL for GEA Rapeseed oil
    • 2013 – category of edible oil – GOLD MEDAL for GEA Walnut oil
    • 2012 – category of edible oils – SILVER MEDAL for GEA Hemp seed oil
    • 2011 – category of extra virgin olive oils – GREAT GOLD MEDAL for GEA extra virgin olive oil
    • 2010 – category of pumpkin oils – GOLD MEDAL for GEA Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil


    GEA Štajerska-Prekmurje pumpkin seed oil was one of the winners in the category of unique products at the International Food & Drink Event 2007 (IFE London).

    IFE 2019 (The International Food & Drink Event) is the UK’s biggest and most important food & drink trade show.


GEA at ANUGA Food Fair, Cologne
We are pleased to inform you that we will exhibit at ANUGA Food Fair, Cologne. Meet us in Hall 7.1, Stand D-029 g.
GEA at the Fancy Food Show
 We are pleased to inform you that we will exhibit at Summer Fancy Food Show in New York.
GEA at the Anuga Food Fair
GEA has once again exhibited at ANUGA, the world’s largest food fair which took place between the 7th and the 11th of October 2017 in Cologne, Germany.

GEA on Foodex
GEA on InGa